Logging in

Connection can be done by any device with a web browser, including the race control box

You will need to start by connecting to the network with the following credentials, if you haven't already connected.

  • SSID: RaceControl
  • Password: <See sticker on Race control box>
  • To connect to the laptimer interface you can use the address laptimer.local or

Once connected click the Admin / Settings button on the main page, click the SGDC text at the top left to navigate back to this page.

You will then need to enter the admin login credentials, speak to a committee member for the details.

Settings - Frequency Setup

For event setup the only thing you need to do on the settings page is the frequency setup. You may not need to change anything but if you do it is suggested you select the profile drop down to select between 4 or 6 pilots. If you wish to use a different frequency set you can change it below.

Format Page

The format page is the main place where you will setup the event, pilots, heats and control the import and set up the race format. You will have the following options which will be discussed below.

Some tabs won't be discussed if you don't need to be using them to setup an event.

The timer should revert to a default database after 18 hours from the start of the last race if it is enabled. It is important to only override the default database if you know what you are doing. Otherwise it could be corrupted for future events.

Format - Event Tab

Whilst changing the event name is probably advised if the default database has been restored then you can ignore this tab.

If the event has not been cleared by the default database being restored you can do that on this page by clicking the Archive/New Event button

You will want to select either Races and Heats or Races, Heats and Classes and then click the Archive Event button

You can change minimum lap time here if you feel it is needed but 7 seconds should be fine for most tracks.

Format - Adding Pilots - Fully Manual

The pilots tab allows you to manually add pilots, click the add pilot button and then fill out the following as a minimum:

  1. Pilot name - Persons full name
  2. Callsign - Their pilot tag

Additional optional settings are

  1. Phonetic - This is how the timer says the name. You can use this to spell out the name if the pronunciation is wrong.
  2. ELRS Passphrase - This is the bind phrase for the pilots HDZero goggles, this allows race information to be displayed in the goggles OSD (note the backpack must be plugged into the timer since the timer has booted up and the pilot must be in range)
  3. Enable ELRS OSD - Enabled the OSD for the above
  4. MultiGP Pilot ID - If you are running a MultiGP Event and you have had to add a pilot manually you will need to add their MultiGP pilot ID here for the upload to succeed later.

The other options can be ignored

Format - Adding Pilots - From IFPV

If the event pilots and heats are setup on IFPV then the event can be imported from there.

  1. Class name can be left as Qualifying or changed if you like
  2. Type of import from ifpv.co.uk
  3. Event ID is the URL from the event ID so for example https://www.ifpv.co.uk/events/317 the event ID is 317

For the export from ifpv to work the "Allow public access to pilot data?" must be ticked on the ifpv event edit page

You may still wish to edit some of the optional parameters on pilots explained in the fully manual section above. The IFPV import will only bring in pilot full name, pilot tag and heat and position assignment.

Format - Adding Pilots - From MultiGP

Setting up the event from MultiGP is probably the simplest from the timer once the event is setup on the MultiGP website.

To import the event, go to the MultiGP Race Import tab. Select the MultiGP Event select the event you wish to import and click Import Event.

The MultiGP import will setup the pilots, heats, classes and some of the race format settings.

Format - Classes and Heats Tab

The classes and heats need to be setup if you are doing as manual event setup. It will need to be edited if using ifpv import and possibly if using MultiGP

Race format is the format of the race:

  • For qualifying use either Fastest 3 Consecutive or Standard 2:00 Race
  • For finals use either Finals 4 Pilot or Finals 6 Pilot depending on how many pilots you want per heat

The default recommendation for qualifying is

The default recommendation for mains is (change race format to Finals 6 pilot if you are running heats of 6)

Round type is a new option in later RotorHazard versions, if it is set to generate heat groups then it is possible to change pilots around per heat for example is someone joins late or leaves. So is strongly recommended for qualifying. For mains it will prevent a round limit which is why count races per heat should be used.

If you are setting up the event manually you will need to click add heat and assign pilots to channel slots. This is not needed for IFPV or MultiGP imports.

Format - FPV Scores Tab

If you are using a MultiGP import you can ignore this tab as MultiGP creates the UUID automatically

If not, you will need to add the UUID yourself here manually to link it to the FPVScores event website

Enabling automatic sync should be left on once the event UUID is setup correctly as this will update the event after races, marshalling or any relevant update on the timer.

You can clear or do a manual upload if you wish.

Setting up the Event

To setup an event:

  1. Make sure the frequencies are setup correctly
  2. Import (from ifpv or multigp) or add the pilots
  3. Ensure the classes and heats are setup correctly
  4. Setup FPV Scores if you want to upload the results
Setting up the Finals

Go to the Generators tab on the format page and select the following options

Click Generate Heats, set maximum pilots to the heat size you are using normally 4 or 6. Then click Generate Heats

Go to the Classes and Heats tab you will find the mains populated similar to the below

Make sure you are happy with the Mains setup in the top right.

Next click Seed Now which will open the follow window

This will show the channel assignment for the heat, the timer will try to minimise channel changes. If there are channel changes the frequency will be highlighted in orange so you can notify the pilot.

At the end of the finals race results can be seen on the results page, make sure to look at class ranking - cumulative points per heat tab